Tuesday, 30 April 2013

Do You Want Bigger Buttocks?

Those unflattering buttocks can get better with buttock augmentation using gluteal implants. Plastic surgeons specializing in cosmetic surgery can do the procedure at a hospital or a licensed plastic surgery facility. It’s important to seek just licensed plastic surgeons for cosmetic surgery.
Are you up for buttock augmentation?
Your plastic surgeon decides whether you have the capability to undergo the procedure. Plastic surgeons don’t hesitate recommending the procedure to healthy people who wish to have bigger buttocks. This is why consultation before scheduling the surgery is very necessary.
Are you worried about the pain?
The general anesthesia will keep you from feeling pain throughout the procedure. However, the desensitizing effects of anesthesia wane hours after the surgery, and that is why analgesics are prescribed.
What to Expect After the Surgery
Bruising and swelling should be expected, but they only linger until about two weeks after the surgery. One inconvenience associated with buttock augmentation recovery is the inability to sit down until the surgery site has healed considerably. Patients also should not lie on their backs. They have to sleep lying on their stomachs for about two weeks after the surgery.
Patients report that sitting can be weird because it is as though they are sitting on padding, but it doesn’t mean they are actually sitting on their implants. Surgeons don’t place the implant in the lower region of the buttocks, so patients don’t get to sit on the implants and risk rupture. Instead, they insert the implants higher in the buttocks.
How long is the recovery?
Length of recovery depends on the patient and the extent of the procedure done. Some patients recover faster than others. Some suffer from unexpected complications and will need to go back to their surgeons for further medical attention. However, complications are not to be expected so long as you follow doctor’s instructions. For instance, smoking should be stopped at least two weeks before and after the surgery. At the same time, taking of medications like ibuprofen and aspirin is seriously not recommended during recovery.
Can you get back to work after a week?
For many post-operative patients, it may be too early to go back to work. Some people may be able to go to work and do light tasks. Most people would be able to get back to work after two weeks. Ask your surgeon when it is safe to get back to work.
What about scarring?
Scarring is common in many cosmetic surgery procedures. But plastic surgeons have come up with techniques to hide scars  and make them unnoticeable. Minimal incision is opted as much as possible. Take comfort knowing scars will eventually fade.For more details visit http://www.cosmeticsurgeryexperts.com/procedures.htm#

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